Demonstration Data |
A MaxQuant result file of an experiment with one experimental condition and 5 time points. |
A MaxQuant result file of an experiment with two experimental conditions and 5 time points. |
Pre-loaded Kinase/Phosphatase Table for 25 Species |
Pre-processing Raw Data |
Identify the Columns needed for Data Processing |
Identify the Intensity Columns |
Validate Raw Data |
Initial processing and quality control of MaxQuant data including the removal of contaminated and reverse peptides, unnecessary columns, and invalid peptides based on filtering criteria. |
Pre-Processing for Network Analysis |
Print a summary kinase/phosphatase table |
Validate existing or user-uploaded Kinase/Phosphatase data |
The regulation check based on the input parameter for the Network Analysis |
Network Analysis |
Network Analysis |
Extract/Convert Processed Data |
Extract a summary table from processed NetPhorce data |
Extract the network inference results from processed NetPhorce data |
Load Shiny Plot Object to R |
Preprocessing Data for Plotting |
Identify and Validate Provided Clusters for plotUniqueIDsHeatmaps |
Identify provided peptide IDs for plotting |
Confirm or List Unique IDs from the netPhorceData |
Plotting |
Plot the Distribution of the Intensity Data |
Plot the Distribution of the Intensity Data |
PCA Plot |
Plot Heatmap Based on the Clusters Verified from the |
Plot Heatmap Based on the Unique IDs Verified from the |
Dotplot displaying the log2 intensity of a single phosphopeptide across the different time points and for each condition. |
Intensity pattern of a single or multiple phosphopeptide across the time course and for each condition. |
A VisNetwork plot of the inferred network |
The regulation plot allows for the users to visually evaluate the chosen thresholds. |