Preprocessing the NetPhorce data before networkAnalysis
by setting the thresholds for the minimal up- and down- fold changes, minimal absolute fold change, and q-value.
netPhorceData = netPhorceData,
upReg = 0.1,
downReg = 0.1,
absMinThreshold = 0.1,
qValueCutOff = 0.05,
verbose = FALSE
(Required). Processed NetPhorceData
(Required). The percentage fold change required between timepoints to be treated as an increase in phosphorylation.
(Required). The percentage fold change required between timepoints to be treated as a decrease in phosphorylation.
(Required). The bottom percentage of all fold changes that will be considered as unchanged. Setting this threshold will exclude small intensity fold changes that are considered above the upregulation and downregulation thresholds as a result of small median-centered intensity values.
(Required). The q-value threshold. A lower threshold increases stringency for including significant phosphopeptides in the network inference algorithm.
(Optional). If TRUE, a summary table will be printed.
The netPhorce object with the following slots:
Contains data design information and filtering parameters
Contains all the data points in a Long
format that passed filtering criteria.
Contains all the data points in a Long
format with anova results.
Contains accessory data including default plotting colors and FASTA Keys, if present.
Contains regulation data calculated through regulationCheck
if (FALSE) {
## Loading One Condition Data
## Identify the Key Columns
identifiedCols <- confirmColumnNames(rawMaxQuant = oneConditionExample,
positionCol = "Position",
reverseCol = "Reverse",
localizationProbCol = "Localization prob",
potentialContaminationCol = "Potential contaminant",
aminoAcidCol = "Amino acid",
uniqueIDCol = "Protein",
seqWindowIDCol = "Sequence window",
fastaIDCol = "Fasta headers")
## Identify the Intensity Columns with Condition, Time Point and Replication Information
intensityCols <- confirmIntensityColumns(rawMaxQuant = oneConditionExample,
intensityPattern = "con_time_rep",
verbose = TRUE)
## Process the data based on the identified columns
netPhorceData <- processData(rawMaxQuant = oneConditionExample,
processedColNames = identifiedCols,
processedIntensity = intensityCols,
minReplication = 3,
minLocalProb = 0.75)
## Validating the Kinase/Phosphatase Information
netPhorceData <- validateKinaseTable(netPhorceData = netPhorceData,
defaultKinaseTable = TRUE,
abbrev = "Ath")
## Regulation Validation based on user inputs
netPhorceData <- regulationCheck(netPhorceData = netPhorceData,
upReg = 0.25,
downReg = 0.25,
absMinThreshold = 0.1,
qValueCutOff = 0.05,
verbose = TRUE)